About us

Bonnie  Bio Photos copyBonnie Kerr is an herbalist, farmer, writer and artist. She gives workshops and writes about green living practices and culture for alternative magazines and her blog. She has studied medical herbalism with the Dominion Herbal College in British Columbia and Académie Herboliste in Montreal and is a member of La Guilde des Herboristes. She grew up in the forest and fields of New Jersey and has always had a deep connection with nature. She spent fifteen years as an art gallery owner in New York City until she moved to the Caribbean to be closer to nature She sees the earth as a living system in which everything is alive and conscious in which humans natural role is to spread and cultivate “the garden”.

Sylvain Bio Pictures copy

Sylvain Pilon is a teacher who has been giving workshops on green living for ten years. A turning point in his life was when as a child he saw the stream where he played turn overnight from sparkling water filled with fish, frogs and insects to a dead, chemical stained, effluent when a paper mill upstream dumped its waste into it. In his attempt to try to find a way live lightly on the planet he has owned a recycling company, taught windsurfing, owned an eco-tourism business and been a market gardener. It has been by reinventing himself and finding ways to live the way he thinks that he has been able to keep a positive outlook.

We think that ecological breakdown and the over exploitation of the planet are the greatest moral and ethical questions of our time.  We enjoy sharing the solutions we have found with other people who can adapt them to their own lives whether they live in the city, country or suburbs.

We were born into an age of great privilege with power literally at our fingertips.  The reflection we have made on considering the consequences of our society requires us to act for health of future generations of life on our unique planet.  In acting we stopped being sucked into the depression, cynicism and despair that occurs when we only talked and thought about these heavy problems.

In visiting you can experience and learn about how we have changed our life to reflect our commitment to action.  You can come and get an overview of our entire project or learn in depth about a topic that particularly interests you.   Share organic, vegetarian meals with us with the ingredients often harvested right from our gardens before the meals.  Stay for a few hours, a day or longer.

Live our environmental challenges



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