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Not your ordinary tourism !

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Québec Terre à Terre is deep in the forest on a southwest slope of the Appalachian Mountains. The forest is home to many medicinal and culinary plants but not in such great abundance that we do not need to cultivate some land as well. Since there is no meadow land we create forest gardens in sunny pockets in the forest.

Flowers Mullein Lower Garden WEB Each garden has its own little eco-climate that determines what we plant. We have a preference for perennial or self seeding plants and fruit trees in order to create permanent food gardens that do not have to be replanted every year. Although we also plant annual food plants like lettuce, cabbage, kale, carrots, peas and potatoes in with the perennials.Garden Wheelbarrow WEBWe plant all through the summer so that we have food for fall, early winter and to store in the root cellar. We are usually able to harvest from the gardens until January.

Potato Tire Garden WEBWhile full sun is necessary for most food plants, there are a number of medicinal plants such as ginseng, wild ginger and goldenseal that only thrive in the shade of a moist, forest, garden. This year we will preparing the ground of a number of forest gardens that we will seed in the fall.

Tonique Quebecoise du printemps WEB


In building our shelter, we tuned into our natural surroundings, our local resources and our inclination to recycle. After exploring the forest for a few months we settled on a small clearing that faces south. The sunny southern exposure was the deciding factor in locating our shelter. The sun supplies us with solar power all year round for the batteries of our solar system .

Cabin with Solar Panels winter WEBWe built the cabin ourselves using wood from a saw mill – located only six kilometers away, recycled windows and doors, lambs wool, that was giving to us, for insulation. As for heating, we use a wood stove, which was also given to us, and wood that we carefully harvest from the forest.Cabin Photo WEB


We like to be the artists of our own lives – to be makers not consumers. There is deep pleasure in making and repairing the things we need for our everyday life. If we are unable to make something we need we always look first to buy used or recycled. It is how we acquire clothes, cars and very often, building materials.

James a appris à fa Everyday we make our own bread and cook our meals from scratch using organic ingredients We have developed skills like making soap, creams, plant medicines, knitting, sewing, small engine and electrical repair, leather working, playing musical instruments, making beer and wine and sign making.

Saint Johnswort OilTest Tube WEB


The forest is an important presence in our lives. For us the land is alive and conscious in a way that indigenous people would recognize. The forest is part of our family.

Sabot de la vierge (Cypripedium acaule)-Une plante medicinal rare du la foret du Quebec WEBWe are sensitive to its changes, its inhabitants and its spirit. We bath in the essences the trees and plants breath out all year round. The experience of the forest in winter, spring, summer and fall is the most profound and spiritual part of our daily life.

Forest in Winter


(reservation required)

  • 2hrs: $35.00 plus tax for two people
  • A Day: $75.00 plus tax per person including lunch. We harvest directly from the gardens with you and together we make a meal. All ingredients are either harvested from the gardens or organic and locally bought.